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Product information:
Type: Regenerative Cream
Action: Hydrates the skin and speeds up the process of regeneration.
Form: Cream 30 ml
Ingredient: Peptides KE (VILON®) and KED
Manufactured: in Italy / Czech Republic
Registration: Certified in EU View certificate
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    PAN VILON® is a regenerative cream that efficiently moisturizes the skin and aids in dermal regeneration. With its innovative active ingredients, PAN VILON® works great for skin healing.

    Bioregulators in the PAN VILON® cream are short chains of amino acids that can easily penetrate skin cells and integrate into them. And just like that, PAN VILON® regulates metabolic processes in skin cells on a molecular level, allowing for faster regeneration.

    PAN VILON® is made in Italy with scientific precision and attention to every ingredient in the formula. The main ingredient in this product is VILON® – a short peptide that effectively regulates gene activation and the production of proteins that repair cellular structures from the inside. This regenerative cream also contains Glycerin for effective moisturization, and fatty acids for skin soothing.

    Yes, PAN VILON® is registered in Europe in accordance with GMP requirements and has all relevant safety certificates. It’s also included in the European Unified Register of Cosmetic Products (CPNP). You can find out the PAN VILON cream price and buy it on our website.