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Marco Stella
Dr. Marco Stella
Science writer in Medicine and Molecular Biology

Marco Stella. After graduating in Biological Sciences with specialization in Molecular Biology, he worked as a researcher at the European Commission and later at a US multinational company in the field of DNA sequencing instrumentation and protein synthesis. For the past few years, he has been writing scientific content for the web, with special regard to Medicine and Molecular Biology

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Melatonin and Sleep: can melatonin supplements improve sleep quality?
Marco Stella
Marco Stella
Melatonin and Sleep: can melatonin supplements improve sleep quality?
Sleep is everything! It directly influences daytime energy, emotional balance, and productivity, but it is tied to a very vital hormone called melatonin. Although this ...
Peptide Skincare For Glowing Skin
Marco Stella
Marco Stella
Peptide Skincare For Glowing Skin
Peptides are one of the current trendy skincare ingredients that prominent dermatologists agree can reverse the signs of ageing and promote youthfulness. However, many ...
Short peptides are promising therapeutic candidates for Covid-19
Marco Stella
Marco Stella
Short peptides are promising therapeutic candidates for Covid-19
According to the WHO, they are today more than 168 million and around 3.5 million respectively (English article, which was published on the 23rd of February 2021, reports 27 ...