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Marco Stella
Dr. Marco Stella
Science writer in Medicine and Molecular Biology

Marco Stella. After graduating in Biological Sciences with specialization in Molecular Biology, he worked as a researcher at the European Commission and later at a US multinational company in the field of DNA sequencing instrumentation and protein synthesis. For the past few years, he has been writing scientific content for the web, with special regard to Medicine and Molecular Biology

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Peptides for Skin: What are Peptides & How They Help with Skincare
Marco Stella
Marco Stella
Peptides for Skin: What are Peptides & How They Help with Skincare
Every day, new creams, moisturisers, and cleaners are introduced by skincare brands, each promising to be far superior to any other on the market. This ever-expanding space ...
Peptide Bioregulators Promote Active and Functional Longevity
Marco Stella
Marco Stella
Peptide Bioregulators Promote Active and Functional Longevity
Why do some people live up to the 100, and even 120 years old, while others die younger? This is one question that has been on the minds of medical experts and regular ...
Epitalon vs Melatonin
Marco Stella
Marco Stella
Epitalon vs Melatonin
The role that the hormone melatonin plays in our body system cannot be overestimated. Not only it is responsible for the quality of our night sleep but it also affects our ...