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Marco Stella
Dr. Marco Stella
Science writer in Medicine and Molecular Biology

Marco Stella. After graduating in Biological Sciences with specialization in Molecular Biology, he worked as a researcher at the European Commission and later at a US multinational company in the field of DNA sequencing instrumentation and protein synthesis. For the past few years, he has been writing scientific content for the web, with special regard to Medicine and Molecular Biology

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How to Improve Brain Health and Cognitive functions with short peptides
Marco Stella
Marco Stella
How to Improve Brain Health and Cognitive functions with short peptides
Strong memory, creativity, alertness, and concentration, are functions that can help you increase performance at work or school. If you find that you are quite forgetful, ...
The power of short peptides
Marco Stella
Marco Stella
The power of short peptides
Ever heard of short peptides? There has been so much talk about them and the remarkable benefits they bring to the medical field and beauty industry. So far, they are capable ...
How long does it take for short peptides to start working?
Marco Stella
Marco Stella
How long does it take for short peptides to start working?
Have you ever wished that the drugs you took would relieve you of a runny nose or any other ailment much faster so you could get back to work? Or maybe, that the lotion you ...